Saturday, September 18, 2010

Front Page News!

We've had a pretty exciting couple of days here!  Earlier this week I received a message to contact a reporter from our provincial newspaper, The Telegram.  To say the least this caught me off guard, but they had gotten wind of Aiden receiving his handwritten letter from Minister Kevin O'Brien. (You've Got Mail)  I agreed to the interview, but was floored when our story was printed on the front page of the paper today! Even his sweet little pictured appeared for all to see.

While I'm not a big fan of attention, we really felt the need to agree to the story so that Minister O'Brien would get the public attention his good deeds deserved.  I only hope that The Telegram's readers enjoyed their little bit of good news this morning.  There are good people out there... and little boys still dream big.
Click to view full size and read

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful story to start my blog reading off with today Natalie! And how cool will it be for Aiden to read that in his scrapbook when he's 10 years old, or 20... or even 70! All because his mom took the time to take his dreams seriously :) karma in action!
