Proud is not the word. It's not just that he won a prize, he didn't even know he was entered into a contest, and is a little too young to be competitive, and that is just fine with me. It's that he had a chance to shine, he participated in something that was truly up his alley, and hubby and I got to see and hear people praise his little efforts. It felt good!
We're always so proud of his creativity, and have worked hard to let him know he has a talent, and to encourage him to work on his drawings. And winning wasn't important, but participating in an event that highlighted his own particilar strength was good for him. And us too.
And now I promise to stop bragging about it....however please note that this promise expires in about 5 seconds.
His display board
Recieving his Award
These are really, really good drawings - and I mean that seriously. He's got a real gift.